Internet Governance News Flash: A Technical Community Coalition for Multistakeholderism (TCCM)

Internet Governance News Flash: A Technical Community Coalition for Multistakeholderism (TCCM)

DENIC already supported a joint statement of the technical community on the Zero Draft of the Global Digital Compact, which was signed in April. In the meantime, a first revision has been published. Again, like-minded organisations from the technical community have joined forces to speak with one voice at the United Nations stakeholder consultations. At the beginning of the negotiations on the GDC, the technical community was not yet recognised as an independent stakeholder group. However, this has changed due to the contributions the technical community submitted to the United Nations, and its opinion has been taken into consideration for the first two drafts. To represent the interests of the technical community also in future rounds – a second revision of the GDC is to be published soon – and to ensure that the technical community will maintain its seat at the table in shaping the Internet's future, "A Technical Community Coalition for Multistakeholderism" (TCCM) was set up. DENIC has joined this too.

The TCCM is designed to raise our collective voice in the ongoing United Nations dialogues about the future of Internet governance. However, by no means does it aim to speak for the entire technical community. Nevertheless, we consider cooperation within the technical community essential to share perspectives and to defend a common vision of the future of multistakeholder internet governance. To support this aim, a Statement of Purpose has been developed that defines the reasons for collaboration and the common goals.

If you are interested in the TCCM or want to learn how to actively participate as a member of the coalition, please contact us.

Sabrina Heber

Internet Governance / Public Policy Manager DENIC eG