Future-Proof Technology for the Realtime Registry Interface of .de

Future-Proof Technology for the Realtime Registry Interface of .de

RRI in the DENIC Cloud: DENIC-owned operating platform – Microservice architecture – Targeted cooperation

For four weeks already, the core of our service, our fully automated registration system (RRI), has been running successfully in the DENIC Cloud. Since the smooth switchover on 13 June, more than 22 million requests from our roughly 300 members are processed in real time every day in the DENIC-owned cloud. With the container-based microservice architecture of our cloud solution, DENIC follows up on its course of consistently establishing sustainable technologies. The concept of sub-applications of the smallest possible size has several advantages, such as better distribution and scalability. Moreover, it further enhances the reliability or our systems. With the high-performance and stable RRI, we have migrated another centerpiece of the .de registry to our cloud. (Learn more.)

The Evolution of Our Registration System

At the beginning of the 2000s, DENIC started to design a new registry interface to complement its e-mail-based MRI. In cooperation with its members, it developed an interface that allowed domain requests to be processed in real time. The RRI was born!

For almost 20 years the RRI has evolved consistently in line with new needs: One- and two-character domains were launched, and the Redemption Period introduced for .de, the registry became GDPR compliant, and for the first time ever we introduced a new protocol version for the RRI.

During all this, the architecture of the RRI remained more or less unchanged. When the DENIC platform and the DENIC services were modernised, redesigning the RRI was a logical consequence, and so the RRI went DENIC Cloud!

Details about RRI in the DENIC Cloud

Before the move to the DENIC Cloud, all parts of the RRI were operated on a virtual server. The number of requests then submitted could be handled competently and smoothly with that architecture. However, possibilities to scale up the service were limited. Especially when sub-components reached the maximum load level or information was required across the entire service.

Here, the new architecture reveals its strengths. Being divided into microservices, it allows to targetedly add computing power without changing the overall system. To optimise request processing, we have made sure that only those services are addressed that are needed for the respective processing activities.

Moreover, we strived to maintain client compatibility in order not to disrupt existing client implementations. Nevertheless, minor changes, for instance regarding the XML schema validation, could not be avoided because new software and libraries were used. We therefore involved our members already in the pre-planning of the launch. After successful functional tests – in which the majority of our members took part - we went ahead with the next test phase in May and simulated a purge phase with interested members.

It proved that our RRI in the DENIC Cloud is well able to satisfy the high requirements of response times and performance defined in the service catalogue, can be upscaled seamlessly in high load phases and still has additional capacities available.

So there was nothing that stood in the way, and on 13 June we successfully switched over to our new Realtime Registry System.

We cordially thank our members who actively supported us in the run-up, during the test phase and after the go-live!

Sascha Kämpf

Product Owner DENIC eG