Apply now: International Digital Policy Fellowship still available

Apply now: International Digital Policy Fellowship still available

The German Society for International Development Cooperation (GIZ) has invited applications for the International Digital Policy Fellowship program on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport. Young people interested in international digital policy can apply at (in German only) until 30 September.

The fellowship will extend from October 2024 to June 2025 and will give the fellows the opportunity to participate in international forums, such as the Internet Governance Forum in Riyadh, with their travel expenses covered. The fellows will also receive support from experts throughout the entire period and will have the opportunity to take part in a series of technical and methodological workshops. This offer is intended to promote the development of knowledge and the establishment of networks among young people.

Anyone aged between 18 and 30 who currently is in vocational training or studying in a field related to digital policy or has already completed their training/studies and has gained initial experience in international digital policy can apply. Candidates should submit a short essay, a position paper or an audio/video piece on a selected topic, along with their CV, by 30 September. For detailed information go to (in German only).