Our members are the basis of the DENIC Cooperative. Therefore, DENIC has a separate "customer service" to see to their needs, the DENIC Business Services Team (DBS). The range of tasks of this team is as versatile as the experiences and competencies of the team members. Learn more about them in this article.
What Does DENIC Business Services Do?
We are responsible for supporting our members both in administrative as well as technical questions. As to the administrative side, we for instance attend to requests of parties interested to become a member of the Cooperative and subsequently to anything that is related to the admission. Later we look after the member's master data and keep all documents concerning the membership on hand.
As to the technical side, we ensure that the member's system is properly connected to our system and assist with technical problems, such as name server or system errors. Here, we cooperate closely with our technical teams. We make sure that our members know about upcoming maintenance and we process their domain requests.
Moreover, we help to organise some of DENIC's member events, such as the General Assembly.
In addition to that, we are responsible for the DENIC training courses.
Being familiar with the products and processes used by our members is very helpful to perform all these tasks effectively and in a sensible way. Therefore, it is very important to us to establish a good relationship with our members. We want them to have trust in us and to know that we are there to help and advise them with any enquiry they might have.
Who Is Who In the DBS Team?

We, that's Niels, Gerlind and Diana (front from left to right) as well as Tarik, Sandra and Fabio (rear from left to right).
is the constant in the DBS member support. She has been part of DENIC for more than 20 years. When she started work at the Cooperative, she wanted to bring in her comprehensive experience and knowledge from the hotel industry And so she did. She also has really deep knowledge of DENIC and DBS and can answer nearly any question. "My work focus is the administrative tasks of our member service. I am the point of contact for colleagues, parties interested in a DENIC membership and the DENIC members. It is my responsibility to bring about solutions for all questions and concerns related to joining the Cooperative and staying a member", she explains. "Something I really like at DENIC and DBS is that there are always new tasks and challenges. Work never becomes boring and I really enjoy my job, even after these many years. The composition of the team also changes now and then, and thus well-tried and long-standing elements combine with fresh ideas. That's a perfect mixture", she adds.
has been part of the "DENIC family", as he calls it, since 2018. In 2021, he started work in the DBS Team, and since 2023 he has been team leader. "My experience as honorary manager in social projects is of great value for his job. Listening, contemplating and weighing the concerns of everyone involved against the task to be solved, that's just essential. I want us and our members to have fun at work and be able to perform it properly without unnecessary difficulties." With his background as a web designer, Fabio is primarily responsible for technical member support in addition to his role as team leader.
is one of those who supports him in the technical matters. She joined DENIC 14 years ago as an industrial clerk. "I started in the end customer support. But I wanted to come to know other areas of DENIC, too. And DENIC is really open when it comes to switching to other teams or departments. From the legal department I moved to accounting and finally came to the DBS Team. Just under three year ago, my daughter was born. To be assigned to precisely the same position as before when I returned after two years parental leave was a matter of course at DENIC. My desire to make myself familiar with new topics has not diminished and I still do so at DBS. In addition to the technical member support I also perform administrative tasks. We at DBS really make a great team together."
is "the newcomer" in the team. He assists Sandra with the training and has also taken over technical tasks for the member support. "Before I joined DENIC, I conducted for instance trainings related to Voice Over IP. Of course that was a completely different thing. At DENIC, the topics are very specific and tailored to the domain business and the cooperative model. That's new to me, and so I myself still have to learn a lot of exciting things, too. The atmosphere in the company and in my team is really phantastic. Everybody assists me, whenever I need help. That makes learning easy and fun! And if I know one thing from over twenty years as a trainer, it certainly is that fun is the key to successful learning.
is very glad that she finally has got support with her training since Niels has arrived. She has been with DENIC since August 2022. "Internal and external training were my responsibilities from the very beginning. I generate all the contents myself. That means, I must always stay up to date and integrate new features and developments into training documents in a timely manner. At present, we are revising the training format to make it more modern. But I don't want to reveal any details yet, because we still need a bit of time." In the training courses, Sandra makes the participants familiar with the processes and details of the DENIC registration system from a legal and technical perspective.
began working in the domain industry at our subsidiary DENIC Services in 2018. Since 2023, he has been part of the technical member support of the DBS Team. Tarik originally has a commercial background. "I am an extremely service-oriented person", he characterises himself, and thus his job here at the interface to our members is just the right place for him. "I also enjoy diving into new topics and sharing the knowledge I've acquired." For Tarik, good cooperation and motivating teamwork have high priority. Moving from the DENIC subsidiary to the Cooperative meant embarking on a new challenge. "Together, we will build a lot of good things here," he says with conviction. "I'm looking forward to it."
Joy at work – that’s apparently a common feeling of all the members of the DBS Team. Over the next few weeks, we will find out if other teams and departments of DENIC feel the same and whether they are offered as many chances and opportunities. Look forward to it.