Half a decade of innovation and tireless engagement for a more secure and stable Internet – that‘s what we at DENIC are celebrating today.
When DENIC Services embarked on an exciting journey as a new member of the DENIC Group 5 years ago many things were new and uncertain. But they have developed well, and today there is much that we can look back on with pride. In this article, we take you on a journey through the past five years and give you an insight into the future that lies ahead.
Strong Roots and a Flourishing Future
As the registry for the more than 17.6 million .de domains, the DENIC Cooperative focuses on providing the services that its members need every day.
Founding DENIC Services was a strategic step to offer expertise combined with the technological excellence of a world–leading Internet registry based on a best-in-class infrastructure to customers who are not members of the DENIC Cooperative, i.e. DENIC eG, and therefore could not benefit from it.
Relying on more than 25 years of experience in the professional operation of a DNS and with Germany's pioneering role in data protection and security proudly in mind, DENIC developed first innovative solutions with Anycast and Data Escrow and handed them over to DENIC Services.
Our aim was a new customer-centered approach to existing technologies and services, to make them more customer-friendly and thus contribute to a better global Internet.
Milestones and Successes
Over the past five years, we have achieved remarkable successes and reached important milestones:
We start business as the world's second Designated Data Escrow Agent for Registrars on behalf of ICANN with five employees. Finally, there is an escrow agent for registration data that processes deposits in compliance with GDPR and stores them securely and permanently in Europe.
We take over the management of DENICdirect and Anycast customers from DENIC eG.
With the first versions of our customer portals, we provide our customers with an online service that offers a 360° overview of the services they have booked, around the clock, 365 days a year. This sets new standards in the market for both Data Escrow and Anycast DNS.
During the pandemic, DENIC Services proves its ability to keep the entire business running virtually and remotely without a single outage or falling short of our service levels.
With a total of 15 customers, we hit a new threshold and our Anycast supports more than 10 million domains of other ccTLDs.
CentralNic integrates our Data Escrow RestAPI as the first backend service provider for registries of generic top-level domains. This takes customer-friendliness to a new level, as both service providers of a customer can now automatically exchange data and react immediately if necessary.
More than 50 registries rely on our Data Escrow for gTLDs or ccTLDs.
With new locations in Sydney and Johannesburg, all continents are represented with their own locations in our Anycast Cloud.
DENIC Services is certified for the first time as an independent company according to ISO 22301 and can thus demonstrate reliable Business Continuity Management for all processes.
With Digital Escrow, we launch a new escrow service for digital assets that is open to companies from all sectors.
With more than 17.6 million customer domains, our DNS infrastructure supports more customer domains than DENIC domains for the first time. With a total of more than 35 million supported domains, our DNS becomes a leading global system that supports more than 10 percent of the global Internet.
DENIC Services wins the ICANN tender to become the world's only Designated Data Escrow Agent for Registrars. By the end of 2023, 1,900 registrars will be our customers.
In Northern Virginia, DENIC Services opens a second IT platform for storing deposits for customers who are not affected by the GDPR.
DENIC Services is certified for the first time as an independent company according to ISO 27001 and can thus prove that all its processes fulfil the requirements for high-level information security.
Our Registry Data Escrow reaches the level of 10 million domains worldwide.

Our Strengths, Your Advantage
As part of DENIC, DENIC Services has strong roots in the domain industry and benefits from an extensive network and the experience of operating critical infrastructures in a fail-safe manner. Our customers value both our technological solutions and our customer-centred approach. With our commitment, we stand for transparency, trust and security.
On the Road to the Future
The digital landscape is constantly changing. Launching innovations every year, we prove that we are ready to take on the challenges of tomorrow. We are proud of what we have achieved over the past five years and look forward to what lies ahead. We plan to introduce new services, improve our existing offerings and continue our collaboration with the Internet community to make the digital world safer and more user-friendly.
The fifth anniversary of DENIC Services is a testament to our ability to provide a consistent and reliable service in a rapidly changing world. We are grateful for the trust our customers and partners have placed in us and look forward to continuing to stand by their side in the years to come. Together we are shaping the future of the Internet – secure, strong and always at the service of our community.