Talking Rules for Tomorrow’s Internet: Internet Governance Forum Germany on 13 September

Talking Rules for Tomorrow’s Internet: Internet Governance Forum Germany on 13 September

Sustainability, cybersecurity and AI are ranking high on the list of burning issues these days. This is why their impact on the future and further development of the Internet are at the core of this year’s Internet Governance Forum Germany.

After two virtual-only events in 2020 and 2021, followed by a break in 2022, due to the pandemic, Germany’s national IG initiative – the Internet Governance Forum Germany (IGF-D) – will be back as a hybrid forum this year: On 13 September IGF-D #14 will take place at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. Participants can attend either in-person on-site or remote, via an interactive webcast.

The multi-stakeholder platform invites anyone interested in internet governance topics with a background from academia, the technical community, civil society, the private sector, government/parliament or the younger generation to gather for discussions on an equal footing, which shall all be held in German. This year’s debates‘ focus will lie on sustainability, cybersecurity and AI and their respective impact on the future and further development of the Internet. Panel discussions and workshop sessions shall enable attendees to make active contributions.

For the very first time, the event is organized and coordinated by DENIC, who have been running the IGF-D secretariat since the beginning of this year.

Stefanie Welters

Manager Policy Communications & Public Affairs - DENIC eG